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After trying everything how I finally lost weight!

Over the last few years, I have been gaining weight knowing the fact that I was doing a couple of wrong things while eating. I was never into overeating or heavy indulgence, but the craving for sweets had made me very stubborn.

I was introduced to Transformation della Vita via an office colleague when I told her that my weight will never go down as I had tried multiple diets, wasted money in gyms and slimming clinics over the last so many years. I even thought that Transformation della Vita wellness program was not feasbile as it was a long distance program.

Seeing my colleague’s transformation of losing a few kilos in less than a month I decided to start with the fat loss program and within the first few weeks I lost around 4 kilos and then my nature underwent a change - I became more receptive.

In 3.5 months I lost about 13 kgs. Have a long way to go to shed another 30 kgs but I have complete faith that Transformation della Vita will help me reach my ideal body weight.

My experiences :-

  • Initially I felt I would feel very hungry but on the contrary I never felt hungry

  • The program was easy to follow as I am a working woman and living by myself with no help.

  • The program is holistic and makes no use of weight loss products, artificial or processed foods. It only uses everyday natural foods.

  • I was made to do my blood tests after 3.5 months and my cholestrol levels have nicely normalized from being borderline high hence there is a very rigorous scientific approach to this program rather than just randomly trying diets. The emphasis was not just weight loss but a complete rejuvenation of health.

  • Looking at my change many people have asked me how I have done it. I will recommend Transformation della Vita to anyone who has struggled enough and become stubborn towards the weight loss.

Thanks to my colleague for introducing me to Mayur and Transformation della Vita. I am not leaving you even after the weight loss program and that’s the trust I have built with you to fulfill all my wellness needs!

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