How I got back to enjoying my motorcycle rides without any fatigue!
Mayur Agrawal of Transformation della Vita was introduced by my associate based in India for a weight loss program. Having tried various options of weight loss programs including workouts with no results, I started off very skeptical with Mayur. He patiently explained the whole process of the program which made me comfortable & confident. The target weight loss defined for me was 10 kgs along with control of other ailments. The starting point was to conduct a complete set of blood/urine tests as per instructions from Mayur, post which he went through an extensive process of preparing a custom diet that suited me & my body personally.
I started following the diet and found it difficult to adjust for the first few days, however regular follow up and encouragement from Mayur kept me motivated. Once I crossed the threshold of two weeks and started seeing the results of weight loss week on week then the going was easy. I started to feel better, more energetic and active from week four which kept me highly motivated. The best part of the whole process is knowledge transfer of diet from Mayur, which helped me even during business travels and socializing. I had gained good knowledge of what to eat and drink during travels, business networking & dinner nights and yet was in control of weight loss. The target of weight loss of 10kgs was achieved within a time frame of 11 weeks. Follow up blood/urine tests revealed reversal of several ailments such as high blood sugars, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, vitamin D and Vitamin B12 deficiencies etc., moved into very normal status.
I now feel very energetic, happy and my overall fitness level has improved by leaps & bounds. Apart from work I love riding motorcycles. The diet program has helped me attain overall fitness thereby helping me ride long distance without any fatigue. This allows me to enjoy the rides and nature much more! I take this opportunity to thank Mayur for all the guidance and motivation in improving my health & wellness to greater levels. If you consider health is wealth then I would strongly recommend you to get in touch with Mayur of Transformation della Vita. He can change you for the better.