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How my diabetes has begun to reverse!

I came across Mayur from Transformation della Vita via my sister at a time while I was trying to come to terms with my newly diagnosed diabetes. Diabetes along with a host of deficiencies and unheard disorders @ 30 is scary! Initially I was skeptical about the diet but the first week of my experience with the diet made me believe in the fact that you are what you eat.

I was 105+ kgs 7 weeks ago when I started and being 13 kgs lighter feels great! My sugar levels are now touching the upper limit of the normal range, diabetes medicine dosage has reduced to almost half and finally, the grin doctor who worried about me having to go onto insulin shots is happy!

Not just the body weight, the diet has helped my hair and skin feel fresh and lively. The diet sounds tough, but the body deserves the effort! I have a long way to go and I intend to reverse diabetes with Mayur's help.

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