How my hair fall disappeared!
By the end of second week when the digits shifted downwards, I was convinced it wasn't a fluke. And this is how I started my first ever successful weight loss program. Not that I weighed significantly more than normal, it was more of an experiment and a desperate eagerness to bring my husband into a healthier eating habit. But for that, first I had to taste the medicine (diet in this case) and prove its efficacy.
In my initial discussion with Mayur from Transformation della Vita I was more than confident on my blood profiling including key parameters. When the reports came it was enough to shatter that confidence. I was high in cholesterol and low in Vitamin D. The aberrations were severe, and what was thought only as a weight loss program became a wellness regime. Thanks to Mayur and his confidence, the diet prescribed started to shape results progressively. 3.5 kgs down by first month, this time my husband took a serious glance and yielded to my strategy! I couldn't be happier. Through this program while as a household we were able to shift to healthier eating habits, over next few weeks his joint pains started receding.
It was fun to get comfortable in my old clothes but more relief came in relatively improved cholesterol and a super correction in my Vitamin D. Everyone without exception was noticing a healthy glow and a leaner me. End of the program I could reduce 8 kgs. What came as a very sweet surprise is the total reversal of my hair fall agony. I don’t recollect having any direct discussion with Mayur on this, irrespective, the diet and supplements that he had prescribed were now totally correcting my situation.
I have now adopted the maintenance program which a combination of everything that I like to eat . Hence it's hardly a struggle. A month in maintenance, the digits on the scale are behaving very well. Can't stop writing without thanking Shilpi Kanoria, my dear friend who had introduced me to Mayur and Transformation della Vita. As a repay token towards her, there are now four of my friends who are in the process of getting a healthier self. Best part, all these friends were convinced only by the transformation that they evidenced in me and my husband. This transformative diet will help them beyond doubt as it did to me. My best wishes to Mayur and all his future endeavors!