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My journey from Fat to Fab!

One day as usual I asked my daughter how her day was and what she learnt in school. She said we learnt 'Opposites". And then she gave a ‘Live’ example. “I am Thin, Daddy is Fat, you are Fat”. This opened my husband’s eyes. My husband decided to join Transformation della Vita’s weight loss program as he had seen a positive result of many of his colleagues who were also actively following this program. He decided that being healthy and fit would be my daughter’s birthday gift this year. I was ignorant about weight loss as I had an excuse for being fat, being a breast feeding mother of a 10 month baby.

Slowly my husband’s program started after his medical tests and discussions with Mayur. His reports had many pitfalls which we never thought would be there. So, I decided that I would also get my blood/urine tests. My reports indicated pre-diabetes, high iron levels, border high triglycerides and fatty liver. Having a strong history of diabetes in our family, I thought even I should start with weight loss program. Even before my husband received his first diet plan, I enrolled myself for the program with Mayur. Both of us were eagerly waiting for our first diet plan as we were given a two week waiting period. My husband received his first diet fact-sheet and we were taken aback. The diet had all normal day-to-day foods laid out in a systematic manner. As we had pampered our taste buds with all the bad foods, at a first glance of the diet plan, I told my husband, I won’t be able to follow this and would request Mayur to refund my fees. However, my husband started with his diet and within a week zoop-zap he lost 2 kg. Day by day he started losing weight like magic and started looking slimmer and fitter.

I thought let me also give it a try. I went ahead and started with my diet. For an initial week or two, it was difficult to follow the plan but you feel happy as you start noticing a dip in your weight. Within a month, my elevated iron levels normalized, in two months my pre-diabetes and borderline high triglycerides vanished. My blood reports had mostly normalized. And I had also lost almost 11 kg in just 3 months all this while breast feeding my baby! The diet had enough nourishment for both me and my baby. I look more fit. I feel more confident. I feel more energetic. I enjoy wearing pretty dresses and going for parties! .

In our busy lives we hardly get time for ourselves. The advantage of this program is you improve your health by just learning mindful eating. This program has taught us to eat the right foods, in the right amounts and changed our lifestyle. Thanks Mayur for guiding us and helping us to improve our eating habits. I am just half way through though. And another 11 kgs to go! The final leg of this journey will be from Fab to Fit!

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