The food plan that really works!
I want to thank Mayur from Transformation della Vita for what he has helped me accomplish with respect to my weight loss goals. He has...
Losing weight and staying healthy has never felt so easy!
I was 258 lbs with high triglycerides,fat and cholesterol and was trying to find ways to address that as it was becoming difficult for me...
How my fight with PCOS ended after 8 years!
I am a 33 years old woman who has been fighting with Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS) for close to 8 years now. When I was detected...
How my knee pain went away!
StartFragment I was at a wedding in Delhi during December 2015. When almost anyone who met me pointed out that i had put on weight, I...
I can now fit back into my favorite jeans!
We all make New Year resolutions and we all want to lose weight at some point. At times we are motivated by looking at the models, at...
My expensive wardrobe makeover!
StartFragment I hate shopping, but I am forced to shop the past 6 months to update my wardrobe. My sincere thanks to Transformation della...
My new year resolution fulfilled!
We all make New Year resolutions and most of us fail and again make the same resolution next year. That's what I was doing for quite some...
My journey through fitness
It was around May last year when I was casually talking to a friend and former model who inspired me to begin gymming to improve my...